ETL GLOBAL Shines in Latest Country Rankings: Strong Performance and Growth in the Accountancy Industry

Written by admin

March 23, 2023

After a successful year 2022, ETL GLOBAL is proud to showcase its strong performance in the latest rankings in some of its focus markets.

In the past months, the International Accounting Bulletin (IAB) published a number of country surveys showcasing ETL GLOBAL’S progress:

  • In Germany, ETL GLOBAL holds its ground, coming in 5th place just behind the Big Four and in very close competition with Deloitte. (IAB November 2022, 639).
  • In Spain, ETL GLOBAL is ranked 5th again, defending its position with a 22% growth rate. (IAB December 2022, 640).
  • In the Netherlands, ETL GLOBAL holds its 15th position, with an impressive growth rate of 40%. (IAB December 2022, 640).
  • In the UK, ETL GLOBAL continues on rank 17, with an also remarkable growth rate of 51%. (IAB January 2023, 641).

In the highly competitive accountancy industry, ETL GLOBAL’s great performance in several countries is a testament to its strength and its commitment to delivering high-quality, value-added services to its clients. ETL GLOBAL is optimistic about its future and looks forward to maintaining its top positions after the Big4 in Germany and Spain and to climbing up the ladder further in the other where the network is present.

More information on the local ETL GLOBAL country organisations to be found in their LinkedIn profiles:

ETL Germany

ETL Nederland




Related topics: #IAB #International Accounting Bulletin